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El comité organizador de nuestro evento ha llegado a acuerdos especiales con los siguientes hoteles en Willemstad (Curaçao) para los participantes en la conferencia de la ADHILAC.
The organizing committee of our event has made special arrangements with the following hotels for the participants of the conference.

No obstante, si tiene preguntas especiales con respecto de los alojamientos, basta con que escriba a Sueene Ostiana a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico:
However, if you have specific questions about the accommodation, simply write to Sueene Ostiana at the following e-mail address:

  1. Kura Botanica Hotel

    • Website:

    • Discount Offer: 5% off

    • Booking Code: ADHILAC2024

    • Instructions: Use the booking code directly on their website to avail the discount.

  2. The Freedom Hotel

    • Website:

    • Discount Offer: 5% off

    • Booking Code: ADHILAC2024

    • Instructions: Use the booking code directly on their website to avail the discount.

  3. Kas di Laman

    • Website:

    • Discount Offer: 25% off

    • Instructions: Book directly on their website to avail the discount.

  4. Bario Hotel

    • Website:

    • Booking Code: ADHILAC2024

    • Instructions: Use the booking code directly on their website to avail the discount.

  5. Harbor Hotel

  6. Renaissance Hotel




impresiones desde curaçao